contact us for a free listing which includes your name, ​city and phone number

​Advertising info
  this website is specifically for businesses and attractions in the grand lake area
of Northeast Oklahoma and info pertaining to area.
Business info and location of info is at the discretion of the webmaster.
​We reserve the right to review content of ads and to determine which shops
​advertise on this site.

for additional information regarding advertising, ad options or general site

comments please fill out form below:

This site encompasses many of the businesses and attractions of the Grand Lake area in northeast Oklahoma which includes   Afton , Monkey Island ,  Bernice , Miami , Wyandotte , Fairland, Vinita, Cleora, Ketchum, Langley, Disney, Tia Juana and Jay OK.  

to purchase ad by check

...send payment to signs by sikorski    55015 e 270 rd   afton, ok  74331

for information about any of the individual shops please contact the shop
Business info and location of info is at the discretion of the webmaster. ​We reserve the right to review content of ads and to determine which shops ​advertise on this site.

banner ad with a link to your website or a page for your business
and a dot on the appropriate map showing your location


​site sponsorship includes the above plus a business card ad on the home page linked to your site and your logo on the printable pdf of attractions map

prices include design layout by signs by sikorski with logos/artwork
supplied by advertiser 

 Grand Lake Area Info  has a presence on the internet through various links on websites including the area info page of Har-Ber Village and the home page of the Grand Lake Association website ( is on 4 billboards and several benches in the Grand Lake area.

​GrandLakeAreaInfo is the main sponsor of the Northeast Oklahoma attractions map which produces and distributes 50,000 maps per year. 

Grand Lake Area Info