Zena Alpacas

 A Series of magical & mystical Alpaca 

created by Lani Stensrud Griffin.

A Series of magical & mystical Alpaca created by Lani Stensrud Griffin. from Lani: May 1st, 2019 My friend Jeanne sent me Lani Stensrud Griffin, creator/artist) a note asking if I would paint a pic of an Alpaca named Betty ...Lani-style. It was such fun I painted another, then another. Varying in composition and style they quickly began to find their own personalities. They all wanted to attend their 1st Family Reunion at Zena Suri Alpaca Farm so I put them on a little yellow bus and sent them home. Each of them has become a beloved friend with thoughts and feelings. We're working now to put these characters in order of appearance so you may follow their stories from start to finish. The Zena Alpaca Series needed a way to grow and that's how sign maker/designer Kathi got involved. She felt they deserved a well-established quality, multi-product online presence; now you too are meeting these charming and mystical Alpacas on Zazzle! All will have their stories on many of the quality items made available thru Zazzle!

Grand Lake Area Info